Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Happy Đurđevan Day!

Today is the slava of Sveti Đorđe, or St. George as he would be called in the West. It is one of the more important slavas (celebration of a family's patron saint - often more important than your own birthday) of the Serbian Orthodox church. St George is also the patron saint of of the Roma (gypsies). Đurđevan, celebrated each May 6, is associated with the beginning of spring. Homes would be decorated with flowers and blooming branches. All the walls would be washed with water from church wells and special baths with flower water would be taken. The feast dinner typically includes roasted lamb. Music, particularly brass bands, is an important element.

Last week, when walking through the Roma quarter of Vranje, a Roma man came up to us. After reassuring him that we were not reporters, a conversation followed. He explained that his family, like all the other Romas in Vranje, was cleaning their home in preparation for Đurđevan. He even invited us to come to his slava, but we said that we would be back in Belgrade on the 6th. Of interest, he mentioned that he was a Muslim. I found that rather odd that a Muslim would be celebrating a Christian event, but it turns out that Đurđevan is celebrated by Roma, regardless of religion. Had we been in Vranje, it would have been a treat to see the Roma celebrating Đurđevan out in the Trg Slobode, complete with their famous brass bands in a loud, vivacious style.

Happy Đurđevan!

You can find a basic introduction to a slava here:

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