Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Terrorist attack in Mumbai

This morning when I checked my usual websites as part of my morning routine, I saw the news headlines in which a photo of the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai (Bombay) was on fire, with the headline reading that a series of terrorist attacks had been carried out late last night. Two five-star hotels, a hospital, and a train station were attacked, with an unknown Islamic group claiming responsibility. Details are still unfolding, but it is known that over 80 are dead and over 200 injured. Hostages may have also been taken. There are some reports that the terrorists at the hotels were seeking to find USA and UK passport holders. Cosmopolitan Mumbai is the economic capital of India and the places were carefully chosen for maximum impact - frequented by foreigners, the wealthy, and high-ranking people.

Two of my former colleagues in Belgrade are teaching in Mumbai. Thankfully their apartment is located quite a distance from downtown where the events took place. As a precaution, their school is closed for the day, with all told to stay home and lay low.

Chennai, located in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, is far away from Mumbai and has different demographics. It has far fewer foreigners (toursits and expats) and is less developed/more sleepy- if one can say that for a city of over 7 million people! There are also far fewer Moslems here. I also have school off today, thanks to the weather. Like my colleagues in Mumbai, I will stay at home, using the opportunity to get some artwork done. Do know that I feel safe here.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Thanks for this post, Melissa. I know you're not near Mumbai, but I was concerned all the same; things spread fast sometimes. Also glad to hear that our friends the S's are okay.