Friday, January 15, 2010

Solar Eclipse in Chennai

All eyes were peering into the sky around the noon hour today. Starting about 11:30, the moon began covering the sun in a solar eclipse. This was a special one, called the Annular Solar Eclipse, as the moon's disk was a little smaller than the sun's disk, leaving a thin rim of the sun all around the moon's disk. Even though we didn't get to experience the full eclipse here (as it was in southern parts of Tamil Nadu (of  which Chennai is located in the north of the state) and in Sri Lanka. Still, what we saw (with the aide of special glasses, of course) was pretty cool. Here are some photos taken at school. Although it might be hard to see in the photo, even the shadows looked rather "funky," having a slight halo, additions and crescent-shaped highlights.

Thanks Joel for sharing the one photo.


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