Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sounds and Sights of Chennai

A shallow plate of strung jasmine, carried by an older woman in a sari. A man peddling a trike with a large bin in back, stopping at garbage bins to find paper to recycle. A customer waiting near the sidewalk, anticipating the refreshing from the coconut being whacked by a large blade. A young woman wearing a salwar-kameez, tennis shoes, and an iPod, taking advantage of the cooler morning by going for a walk. A young child playing next to her grandmother with a shaved head, while the grandfather heats up the coal for his iron. A young woman in a loose dress, pulled forward by the large dog she is walking. Massive prop roots of banyan trees, jutting down into the sidewalk below. Fuscia bougainvillea petals gathering on the small termite mound next to a wall.  A small gathering around the bicycle of the coffee seller, enjoying hot, sweet coffee before throwing the tiny plastic cup on the ground. A rickety-looking bus barreling through, honking its horn for all to get out of its way. An auto-rickshaw swerving from one side of the road to the other and past another vehicle, attempting to get one car length ahead. Laughter on the beach, coming from both the young men already gathered for a game of cricket as well as boys jumping into the surf. Families wading into the shoreline, with the women lifting up their saris to avoid getting wet.

These are a few things I saw this morning while going for a walk. In a little over a day, I'll be in Wisconsin, where the scenes will be replaced with rolling fields of corn and hay, red barns and silos dotting the landscape, strawberries in the garden, and nearly vacant country roads.

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