Friday, November 05, 2010

Happy Diwali, Chennai-Style

The picture of Diwali normally portrayed in literature is one where families light small lamps, perhaps even sending them floating down the river. Families are wearing their new glittery outfits, indulging in sweets of all kinds. Ah, such a scene of tranquility.

Then there's the true picture in Chennai. From early in the morning to late in the evening, firecrackers are going off, filling the air with smoke, the streets with confetti and discarded firecracker boxes, and all within any vicinity with at least some level of (hopefully temporary) hearing loss.

The amount of firecrackers consumed in Chennai shouldn't be much of a surprise. After all, the Tamil Nadu town of Silvaski has over 8,000 fireworks/cracker factories in it, producing over 90% of the country's booms.

Regardless of how you celebrate it, happy Diwali, India!

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