Thursday, April 09, 2015

Ah Ban Paper Oblation - Finished Piece

Later that afternoon, we returned to the Loh An Ban family Paper Oblation Shop. The piece the family had harmoniously been working together on had not yet been completed, but it was nearly done. Ean's mom brought over the garden stairway area that she was currently working on.
The brilliantly patterned paper piece reminded me of a doll house. Looking closer, one could see modern conveniences such as a car, bicycle, refrigerator, LCD TV, air conditioner, phone, cooking area (more traditional), and 3-d paper table and chairs. Representations of gold and silver were also included. 

Inside the paper oblation house

Ean estimated that the cost for a paper oblation house of this size and complexity typically went for around 1,100 myr, which is around $300. And to think that such a beautiful piece of handmade art would go up in flames in a matter of minutes. Ean's brother in law is training to take over the family trade from her father Mr. Loh An Ban. Let's hope that the art form is preserved through the unified efforts of this family.
Complete with a 3-d car

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